Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I waited to post today's weigh-in until we had completed our fun-filled day, so most of you will be reading this the day after Halloween. I'm sorry that I made you wait to experience the cuteness that is my son on his first Halloween. I know, I sound biased, but he was the talk of the town everywhere we went. So many people gushed over him, it was ridiculous. I think we really picked a winner of a costume. Dave and I both love Halloween, and we wanted to experience everything we could on Aiden's first one. We went downtown for a bit, but it wasn't really our scene(long lines). We trick-or-treated around our neighborhood, collecting a small bucket full of candy for our little one *cough*. He was such a little charmer, giving a huge smile as a thank you at every house we visited.  We wrapped things up and headed home to hand out candy to any trick-or-treaters that ventured to our house.  The number of trick-or-treaters we had disappointed Dave, but had me thrilled compared to the pitiful turnout we had last year in Memphis. Thus far we have had around 30-40 come to our door, I am sure next year our numbers will be higher because we are giving away handfuls of "the good stuff."Since you are now caught up with our Halloween, I want to quicky fill you in on the rest of the week. On Monday, I lowered Aiden's crib because he started sitting up in it and I knew that it would only get worse from there. Well, I think that I had some serious Mommy intuition because literally the next day I came into his room to find him standing up in his crib! I was shocked, but oh so thankful I decided to lower the crib the night before. He is getting stronger, faster and smarter everyday. He is practically running in his walker now, and can crawl forward if he really wants something in front of him. I do not know how I am going to keep up with this kid for the next 18 years, but I look forward to trying! I hope you all had a safe and wonderful Halloween! Tune in next week!

 Date: October 31, 2012
Weight: 21.8 pounds
Height: 32.5 inches


  1. I'm going to have to come out next Halloween and go trick er treating with you. Love auntie marrilyn

  2. Yes, my son give scooby-doo just cause as he is an incredible scooby snack obtainer.
