Monday, October 1, 2012

Pintested...Amber Approved!

I love how you can see what every T-shirt is! (Dave's Drawer)
I, like so many others, have become completely swept up in the latest internet craze Pinterest. I love all of the creative ideas laid out in front of me, but sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed. The constant bombardment of "pins" that I want to attempt and accomplish just continues to pile up on my boards and shoulders. There are so many different things that I want to try, it is hard to find a place to start but I've decided that I want to accomplish at least one pin a week.  I will use my blog to test pins to see if they are worth all the hype, or if they are just too good to be true. Every pin will get a positive or negative rating at the end; it will be either "Pintested, Amber Approved" or "Pintested, Amber Rejected." I have actually tried out a couple of the pins, and have been pleasantly surprised. Since I just recently moved into a new house, I am happy to get organization tips and ideas to keep my house in order. One of my very favorite pins that I have tried and applied, deals with organizing T-Shirts. I have never been so happy to open a dresser drawer! If you want detailed instructions on how to make your drawers look like this one, check out the original pin or leave a comment and I will let you know how I did my folding. :) Happy Pinning!

Pintested, Amber Approved.

Original Pin.

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