Swiffer Baby

There is nothing worse than your kid getting sick, except for both of you being sick at once. Sunday Aiden and I were stricken with a 24 hour bug that has had me doing nonstop laundry for the past two days. Thankfully, we are both feeling much better, but we have passed it along to those closest to us. My family was kind enough to visit us this past weekend for my birthday, and we had a grand time on Saturday. We went out to dinner, had ice cream at home and played a killer game of Scattergories. There is nothing quite like playing games with your family, I must admit that I have missed it greatly. I look forward to the days when Aiden is older and we will institute our own "family game nights."Aiden continues to help me keep the house clean in his own special way, he just seems to keep adding little duties to his chore list. He no longer allows me to swiffer the house, if he sees me with the swiffer he will take it away from me so that he can do it himself. He actually does a pretty good job for a 14-month old, he even gets under the furniture! Aiden has also added the word Uh-oh to his vocabulary. Whenever anything gets dropped, or falls to the ground it is usually followed by his cute little "uh-oh." Well that is all the updates I have for Aiden this week, I am sure that since this weekend is Mother's Day weekend I will have more to report soon. Have a great week!
Swiffer Baby! :)
Hey, I like how there is just continuous Aiden footage following our video. :)