This past weekend Aiden and I did A LOT of traveling. On Wednesday we drove from Kingman to Apple Valley to Fullerton to San Marcos to La Jolla, back to Fullerton to Apple Valley and finally returned to Kingman on Memorial Day. I totaled 950 miles in a matter of a few days, the good news is that Aiden has started to learn proper car etiquette. He actually started SLEEPING in the car! It happened several times during our trip, so it does not seem to be a fluke. I am so incredibly thankful for this small victory in life, it makes all the difference on a four hour drive. We had a wonderful time in California, I got to meet all the people that I work with and hang out with my awesome family. While we were in San Diego, Aiden got to experience the ocean and the beach for the first time which was super fun to see. He was not a big fan of the waves hitting him, but he loved running through the sand. We also went to Disneyland and had a blast. It was Aiden's first time on It's A Small World, and he really enjoyed himself. Unfortunately,I left the chip from my camera in the Wii at my grandparents house, so you will have to wait to see Dland pictures. The Churchillls got to experience Aiden's love of balloons, and got them all to play his game with him. I have never met a little kid who loved balloons as much as my little munchkin does. This upcoming week is our first week having Dave home on summer break, I know that Aiden will love having more playtime with Daddy. Hope you are all having a great week, I'll update you next week!
So many choices, dance, eat cookie, sit, drink, dance.....too funny, love auntie