This is my feisty three-year-old. The kid that makes me hold my breath longer than I ever thought I could. He pushes me to my limits with his no-fear, action-packed, no holds barred approach to life. The great thing about this is it keeps me in the moment and it makes the calm moments he has so much sweeter. I love the first photo because it captures his personality. Connor is into everything, eager to know all things and extremely stubborn. I love seeing his personality develop and his ability to make me laugh and look at the world in different ways. I thought I would put up a small blurb about Connor, since a lot of my posts have been about Aiden since he has so much going on in his young life. I am so in love with this kid's beautiful blue eyes!!
He does have beautiful blue eyes, love the pictures Amber, you are getting very good at capturing just the right pose. Love it!!!