There are many things on my bucket list that I may never cross off, but I get excited every time that I do get to put a line through one of them. "Learn to sew" was one of my bucket list items, and although I still have a lot to learn I feel comfortable to check it off the list. I have successfully completed 20+ projects, including my latest, a blanket for Dave's birthday. A blanket for Dave was quite the endeavor because I wanted it to be really nice and REALLY big(Dave-Sized), not your typical blanket. I have had the material for the blanket for over a year, I just found the project really daunting. Finally, after making Christmas presents for my family, mending/altering a bunch of clothes and realizing that I needed to do this birthday on a budget, I decided that I was ready to tackle the blanket. It turned out better than I expected, not perfect, but still really nice. I finally feel comfortable with my sewing machine and like I can do anything! There is so much more to explore in the sewing world but I no longer feel incredibly intimidated and I look forward to the journey!

Bucket List:
Learn to Sew
What's next??