Being a mom is hard. There is really no sugar coating it. Having people who are dependent on you for their very survival is a lot for a person to handle, let alone being able to do it with any grace or composure. There are times when it all feels very overwhelming and I feel my grasp on my sanity and patience slipping away. When this starts to happen I have started to recite a quote to myself,
"You’re not managing an inconvenience, you’re raising a human being."
-Kittie Frantz

That quote is powerful in my mind and it resonates with me. When I have to stand on the sidelines during events because I have to care for my kids, I find it bothering me less and less because what I am doing is important. It may not rank high in jobs that make you considered successful, but honestly what is more important than the moral fiber/work ethic/compassion etc. of the next generation? Being a mom may be a hard and "thankless" job but I have never had one that is so rewarding and challenging. I only get one shot to get this parenting thing right, so until they are grown I am giving it all I have.
In the past two weeks we have been a pretty busy family, spending back to back weekends in California for Easter and my cousins wedding. I don't have any pictures from the wedding, but I have included a few from Easter. We are attending another wedding this weekend so thankfully I will have another opportunity to get a picture of them all gussied up. They looked so handsome at the wedding but they look pretty darn cute in these pictures as well!
All About Aiden
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Book: Curious George
Favorite New Food: Cucumbers
Quote of the Week:
"I'm too small. When I grow up bigger and bigger, then I can clean up my room."
Date: April 15, 2015
Weight: 18.5 pounds
Height: 27 inches
Connor Loves Aiden's Hat
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