Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Santa's Last Visit

This week Aiden got to see his present from Santa! Santa's elves finally got it all unpacked and put together, better late than never! Aiden was pretty excited to get his present and I think that it eased a little of his distress over me putting away all the Christmas decorations. He was in tears when he walked out in the morning and saw that the tree was no longer there, turning on the tree had become part of our morning ritual. He is still singing his Christmas carols, but we are doing our best to wean him off by singing other songs.  We are getting really excited to see Uncle Matthew next week! I have a lot of video footage for you guys this week, I could not help it my boys are too cute!  I had my follow-up doctors appointment today, and good news everything is looking good. I have one final thyroid test, my doctor thinks that it may have just been a product of the pregnancy and not a long term condition! Hooray! Keep your fingers crossed and thank you for your prayers.

Date: January 14, 2015
Weight: 14.6 pounds
Height: 24 inches

Video is pretty long...sorry.

Tickling Connor

We Love Spaghetti!


  1. Just saw the first video so far.... I love it! thanks so much for sharing...Aiden is great and sooo happy :) thank you Santa!

  2. Oh, tickling Connor!...his smile gets so big :)

  3. ok, we're done :) lol. thanks Amber!
