I finally finished my first crochet project! Hip Hip Hooray! I had put it away because things were too hectic and I felt like I was neglecting everything else that needed to be done but recently I felt inspired to get it done before the month of October got started. It took me a lot longer than I anticipated, and I am hoping that the blanket for Connor will go a little more quickly. My first project is nothing fancy, but I am pretty proud of it. It is a blanket for car rides for Aiden, I know that he will probably outgrow quickly but for now it will work. Aiden has been super silly lately, running out wearing a hat and apron. He has been doing it constantly, it cracks me up. Last week, he got to go to Disneyland with his grandparents! He had such an amazing time with them. He is still going on and on about all the characters. Life is good around here, I am really starting to show but that makes sense since Connor is due next month! Time flies...
We sure do have a cute son.