I feel as if I am constantly apologizing for my absence from the blog, which is more discouraging than you can even imagine. I was under the weather for awhile, which turned out to actually mean I was pregnant so that accounts for the couple months that I was not blogging. It is hard to muster up the strength to write a blog when you feel like death is knocking at your door. I am well into my 2nd trimester and feeling much better, so I figured there was no excuse for me not enter back into the blogging world. Things have been pretty crazy in our lives, with some medical issues, travels, big purchases and overall life changes. I will work on bringing your up to speed in the coming weeks. Aiden is growing up so fast. He practically only speaks in complete sentences these days, with a few nonsense moments thrown in. He is loving having his daddy home for the summer, I am not looking forward to when Dave goes back to work and Aiden starts having Daddy withdrawals. While we were visiting my folks in California, my dad gave Aiden a hair cut. I was not sure about it at first, but it has really grown on me. It just makes my little man look to old. :( Next week, I will reveal the gender of the little one growing in my belly. I know that there are a lot of people who are pretty curious to know. I would post a picture, but our ultrasound people are pretty terrible and the pictures turn out awful. They don't even remotely resemble a baby, the first picture looked like Skeletor!
Before Hair Cut
After Hair Cut
Of course if I am going to get back to blogging, I have to come back with a bang. Here is a video of my happy go lucky little boy enjoying one of his favorite songs.
Makes me laugh out loud! Love Grandma!