Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weekly Weigh-Ins!

Date: October 10, 2012
Weight: 21.4 pounds
Height: 32 inches
Every week I try my best to post about Aiden's new weight and height. This week I could barely wait, because he has been hitting new milestones that I am so excited to share. On Friday, for those of you who did not see on Facebook, he started to clap his hands intentionally for the first time. We were so excited, and I think Aiden enjoys the fact that we are so thoroughly entertained by it.
He is so silly! I love this kid!
If that was not enough, my little man started cutting his first tooth on Monday. It is just peeking through the gums and you can hear it click when he chews on his spoon. He does not like to show it off though. Whenever I try to get him to open his mouth, he sticks his tongue out over it! I wanted to include a picture in today's segment, but alas it was not to be. I can report that Aiden is pretty mobile, but he does not crawl forward. He can push himself up into a pushup but instead of going forward, he always moves backwards. It is quite funny to watch, I must admit. He can also spin around in circles while sitting up, which I find very impressive and he seems to find quite useful when trying to explore. 
I cannot believe that next week he will be 8-months-old already, time really flies when you have a kid. I look forward to sharing his updates next week!!