Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Hooray St. Patrick's Day also happens to be the day my little Aiden turns one-month old! I cannot believe how fast the time is already progressing, it seems like only yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. Aside from a few hiccups, literally and figuratively, Aiden has been an amazing baby. We took him out to Babys 'R' us, Sports Authority, and Target to show off our little leprechaun to the world. We were out picking up stuff for him, in honor of his little milestone, which included a brand new mobile to help him feel more comfortable in his crib. Up till now putting Aiden in his crib wakes him right up, he preferred sleeping in his bouncer, Pack 'n Play, or someone's arms. I will keep you updated on his reactions to the mobile! Since we have the little one we stayed in for St. Patrick's Day, Aiden was a little angel while I prepared the meal. We had corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes and carrots. I had to keep the carbs to a minimum since Dave is on a special diet, next year we will go crazy with scones, breads, and pies like the rest of my family. This is Aiden's first official holiday, I loved putting him in outfits! This is going to be one of my favorite parts of motherhood, dressing my little boy up for all the holidays! Happy One Month Aiden!

Adorable pictures of Aiden!! Congrats on your first official holiday Aiden!!