Something else that hadn't really been on my radar before having children was the chemicals in all the household cleaners I was "supposed" to be using. Obviously, you shouldn't be inhaling the bleach fumes in a closed area, my mom always made sure that I had the windows/door open when we cleaned the bathrooms but who really knew how harmful all those fumes and chemicals really were/are? Sure, there is a possibility that we are killing some of the bacteria while we are cleaning, but what else are we killing in the process? I also didn't realize how ineffective some of those products that I had been using really were.
My son, Connor, has some mysterious form of anemia that no one can find a reason for. He also has an affinity for cleaning. I would rather not expose his little body to anything else and risk his health in any way because he actually likes to clean(who is this kid?).
Through the next couple months I am going to go over some of the products that I have switched over to and why. I promise to always be honest if something doesn't work the way I expected it to, or if I haven't fully switched over on some items yet. I refuse to endorse something unless it works, which is why I have been using Norwex products for over a year before deciding to become a consultant for them. With this post, I am launching my first official "party" and would love if you guys would check out the catalog, and my website and let me know if you have any questions!
P.S. I am not looking for anyone to join as a consultant, so don't worry about me hitting you up to join! If you are interested in hosting a party though, and earn free product I would be so happy to help you!