Saturday, February 24, 2018
S"no"w Way!

Thursday, February 15, 2018
Short & Sweet
This is going to be a short post, but I am trying to get into the habit of at least posting a blog a week. We had a wonderful Valentine's Day, the boys and I exchanged homemade Valentines and they enjoyed special pancakes and popcorn. We visited one of the local retirement homes and handed out Valentine's to the residents with the Scouts. I loved watching the boys hand out valentines, it was a blessing to see how happy we made them! Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures because I was holding Connor most of the time.
It has been raining like crazy this week, which instead of driving the boys indoors, has the opposite effect on Connor. That kid is a little water baby, he loves the rain! He sprints out before I have a chance to stop him and tries to catch raindrops on his tongue.
Aiden turns 6 this weekend! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone, how is my baby 6? I have been in full party prep mode for almost two weeks, I hope it all comes together in time!
It has been raining like crazy this week, which instead of driving the boys indoors, has the opposite effect on Connor. That kid is a little water baby, he loves the rain! He sprints out before I have a chance to stop him and tries to catch raindrops on his tongue.
Aiden turns 6 this weekend! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone, how is my baby 6? I have been in full party prep mode for almost two weeks, I hope it all comes together in time!
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Double Dose of Videos!
I think that in life it is important to have a variety of goals, things that you can check off your list today, tomorrow and also ten years from now. I am happy to say that I have accomplished one of my goals this week: folding a fitted sheet. That may seem like a small goal to many, but to me it has been a long time coming and finally victory is mine!
The boys and I have had a lot of fun this week in "school." We did our very first "official" science experiment. My parents gifted Aiden a science set for Christmas, and this week we broke that baby open. We went over the differences between solids, liquids and gases. The boys enjoyed going around the house and categorizing all of the items the could find. I explained what a solution was, a chemical reaction, acids and bases. Do I think they completely understand all of this? Of course not, but it is a good introduction and one has to start somewhere. In our experiment we made carbon dioxide, which was super cool and I got to explain about that being what we breathe out. The boys cannot wait for our next science experiment, and that is exactly what I want for them. I want them to be excited for learning!
It has been awhile since I have shared videos with you, so this week you get 2! I just could not keep this latest dance party to myself. These two kids crack me up!
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