Before time marches on and takes this month without me putting up a single post, I decided to slip this one in. March has been incredibly busy, volleyball has been taking up a lot of the time that I would usually spend on the blog. I cannot complain about volleyball, though, because it has been so nice to get out and be active doing something that I really love. It feels so good! I am going to be sad when the season is over, I don't know if anyone else on the team can say that though. We have had a rough season so far, which include losses and inner team conflict but I have still thoroughly enjoyed myself.
The main reason that I wanted to post, is that I wanted to share a photo with you guys. Aiden wrote his name for the first time all by himself, in a really legible way. We have been working on it, and he has made attempts in the past but you could not tell what all the letters were.
Hooray! It is so awesome to work with your child and see them learn and grow. I am so proud of him! Speaking of proud, I got to serve on my very first jury! I am working on a post about it, hopefully I will have it up by the end of the month. Dave just finished up his spring break on Sunday, it was so nice to have him home for two weeks. The boys loved it and are having a little trouble adjusting to Daddy having to be back at work. I have been seriously slacking at taking pictures but here are a few of the past couple weeks.
My parents treated me to see Wicked for an early birthday present! |
We were playing Hi Ho Cherry-O. I'm teaching him to lose gracefully. |
Eating together by the fish tank. |
Putting on the puppet show at the library. |
Aiden cracking me up with his hat in the car. |
Wearing his Daddy's pants... |
Hello Hermit Crabs!!! |
Went to a Cake Decorating Class and this is the result. |
And that's all folks!!! |
*If you are wondering about the limited pictures of Connor, he is not always keen on having his picture taken. Every time I take my phone out to take his picture, he runs at me and tries to take it from me. I am hoping that this will get better, but so far it hasn't.