November is here and with it a truckload of things to get ready for. My family is going to Ireland, Connor is turning one, Thanksgiving and National Write a Novel in a Month are just a few out of the ordinary things added to my plate this month. It is going to be a crazy month, but I have made it a point to not get overwhelmed and take time each to day to appreciate this life that I have. Everyday I am posting something that I am thankful for, a reminder to myself that there really is so much in this world and in my life in particular that I should give thanks for. I already posted my thing for the day but I wanted to add that I am thankful for this blog, for this little photo diary of my children's lives that I have created. I am grateful that I will get to look back and know when events occurred and see the progression of my beautiful little boys as they learn and grow. Our Halloween turned out really great this year. My mom came out to visit and accompanied the kids and myself on our trick-or-treating expedition. Aiden was the cutest and most polite kid ever. He would say "Trick or treat," "Thank-you, Happy Halloween!" to every house/person we visited. On Friday night we went to Dave's school for their trick-or-treating, then on Saturday we took the boys out around our neighborhood. The church behind our house was hosting a trunk or treat, so we swung by to end our trick-or-treating. It was so great because they were giving away hot dogs and Aiden was so excited to eat one. We co-hosted a Halloween party this past weekend, and it was a huge success. It was really exciting because it was Harry Potter themed which inspired our costumes(except for Aiden, who really wanted to be Spiderman); Professor McGonagall(Mom), Hagrid(Dave), Luna(me) and a mandrake(Connor).
Enjoy our most recent pictures and videos from the past week!