I was not sure if Aiden would realize that it was his birthday, or that
he would grasp any idea of what birthday would mean. I definitely
underestimated him. I am currently having trouble with making him accept
and understand that EVERY day cannot be his birthday. Since his
birthday party he has been asking me for "birthday" at least four times a
day. I know it is partially my fault for having two parties for him,
that would confuse any two-year-old. At his second birthday party, we
sang Happy Birthday to him, he blew out the candles and shouted,
"Again!" I brought his little brownie back into the kitchen, lit the
candles again and brought it back for him to blow the candles out again.
He looked the candles, looked at all of us and pointed around the room
while saying "Sing!." So, we all had to sing the song again, before he
would blow out the candles. This year's party was Mickey Mouse themed,
and I thought that it went pretty well. Aiden knew right away that it
was a birthday because of all of the balloons and decorations. At the
birthday brunch we had french toast bake, hashbrown casserole, biscuits
& sausage gravy, a fruit tray, yogurt parfaits, blue berry muffins
and coffee cake muffins. It was quite a spread and I was proud that I
made it all myself, well except the fruit which was cut by my husband.
Aiden did so well opening his presents, he was genuinely excited for all
of his gifts, except for a few clothes that got a resounding "No" and
were shoved back into the bag more quickly than I thought possible. I am
so grateful that everyone came out to celebrate Aiden turning 2, it
just would not be the same without being surrounded by family and
friends. Aiden is enjoying all of his gifts, now that we are back at
home (even the clothes). I have almost found a place for everything,
which is a super exciting thing for me! I wish I had more pictures of
his birthday, but alas I did not retrieve them from my father before I
left. Hopefully, I will get them in a few weeks and be able to post
them. Also, I am working on Wedding Thank-You's, I am hoping to have
those out in the next couple weeks as well! Yay for fun mail! Hope you
all had a terrific February, we sure did!