I have given myself a little time with our newest addition before I got back to the blog, one month to be exact. As of Monday, I am officially back to work and doing my best to balance a full-time job, two small children and all my household duties. It is a little overwhelming, but so far I think I am doing fair job.
Connor John Sanders
November 16, 2014 10:01am
8 lbs 3.5 ounces
21 1/2 inches |

At 2 am I started having pretty serious pains in my back and I had a suspicion that I was going into labor. After two hours of the pain getting stronger and more consistent, I decided to wake David up and tell him that it was time to head to the hospital. I was trying to hold out until the sun came up because it was so cold and windy outside, it was insane. The wind moved everything on our porch, including our BBQ and pretty heavy outdoor storage trunk. Despite my best efforts to stall, I knew that it was not wise to wait much longer. We packed up the car, bundled up Aiden and headed to emergency room. I called my mom to let her know that I was in labor and we were headed to hospital. At the hospital, we checked in and were admitted up to our room. After I was settled and all hooked up, I sent the boys to the cafeteria to get breakfast. While they were gone, my doctor came and checked me out and informed me that Connor would be here in twenty minutes! I got on my phone to get David back up to the room so he did not miss it! Luckily, we had some friends who were able to get to the hospital quickly to sit with Aiden while I was actually pushing. Dave made it back into the room right around the time Connor was crowning, I had him out in under 8 minutes of pushing. He was much easier to get out than Aiden and did less damage, although I guess because he came out so fast he was a little purple and bruised when he came out. At first sight, I thought he looked like a cross between Gollum and duck(in the cutest way possible). The bruising quickly faded and he became the cute little guy you see in the photos.

My mom came to help out the first week and took Aiden with her the second. Aiden has adjusted pretty well to being a big brother. He LOVES Connor. He is constantly saying, "How cute & I love you Connor" when he sees him. He covers him with hugs and kisses and always wants the baby to sit next to him. Connor loves to eat, he wants to be fed every one to two hours. It keeps me pretty busy to say to the least. We went to see Santa a couple weeks ago, and saw a light parade. Aiden is in LOVE with Christmas. He constantly asks to see Santa and says that he misses him. He always wants to drive around and see Christmas lights, watch Christmas movies and sing Christmas songs. I must say, that I am loving it! I love seeing his enthusiasm and enjoyment over the little things in life. His Christmas cheer is infectious and I hope that he continues to love Christmas for all his days. Since we have a new baby it means that we can start having weekly weigh-ins again! So far Connor is following in his big brother's footsteps and gaining weight really quickly.

Let sleeping boys lie... |
All smiles!! |
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They have the same look! |
Date: December 17, 2014
Weight: 12 pounds 3 ounces
Height: 23 inches |