Wednesday, August 28, 2013

On Time! :)

Playing with one our friends hats! :)
He is looking at his reflection--hilarious!
In my opinion, Kingman has been getting better and better. We now have some friends(our own age) to hang out with on the weekends, which has already done us a lot of good. One couple might be joining us for Thanksgiving since they are unable to make it back to Michigan to celebrate with their families. This weekend I am going to try my hand at canning tomato sauce, I got 25 pounds of tomatoes for 12 dollars! I am part of this program called "Bountiful Baskets," each week I can pick up a whole basket of fresh(mostly local) produce for a really good price.  Aiden has been having a really good time bouncing in between football and volleyball practice. All of the kids and coaches are smitten with him.  We both have our first game next week, wish us luck! I am hoping to have the save the dates out within the next few weeks, something to look forward to in your mailboxes! Aiden has mastered the word please, which means that I am in trouble because he is so dang adorable when he uses it! His vocabulary is growing everyday, it is so great to see him forming new words and connections with the world around him. Well I have to wrap this up, short and sweet but posted on time!


He does the motions along to this song, it always makes me smile! :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Epic Fail

Aiden's Bedtime Routine-Read till he falls asleep
Too cool in his shades!
I want to start by saying, I hate when things slip through the cracks and I hate sticking anything on the back burner. Honestly, these last couple weeks have kicked my booty.  I have put so much on my plate, that I am struggling to find the necessary balance to make it all work.  I am working full time, taking care of Aiden full-time, coaching volleyball, trying to keep the house up, making meals, and planning a wedding. Those are the main things on my plate, but there are tons of little jobs that come up in between all those items on my ever growing to-do list. I can really tell that my work load has tripled when I look at my phone and notice the lack of new photos of my son. I used to have 20+ a day, and now I am lucky if I get a couple in a week. Sitting down to write this, I realize that I need to put time aside to focus on the blog. It is important and should be higher on my priority list for a number of reasons. One, it keeps my friends and family connected with what is going on with our lives. Two, writing is a release for me and it keeps me intellectually stimulated. Three, every once in awhile when life settles down, it is nice to be able to have this blog to look back on and see everything that has brought us to this moment. Thank you for your patience with my blog absence, will write again next week.

All his friends came along for the ride!
Big Boy sits at the table!