Well we have a new addition to our little family, and Aiden is overjoyed. Falcor, the bearded dragon, has now made us a household of six. For Aiden it was love at first wave. It is one of the cutest interactions I have seen between a little kid and an animal. Aiden runs to the door wanting to see him, and when I pick him up to take him into the room, he starts waving like crazy. When we get to the cage, he continues to wave and then something totally awesome happens, Falcor waves back to him! :) It is so much fun to see, I cannot get enough of it. I'm looking forward to watching the two of them grow together in the future; I had my last bearded dragon for 10 years, I am hoping this one lasts just as long. This past weekend we went to the Home & Garden Show, where the highlight was definitely Aiden getting a balloon. I have never met a kid who loved balloons so much, whenever he sees one that is the only thing he will think about. He just keeps repeating the word "balloon" over and over again. Nothing will stand in his way of getting a balloon, and now that he can climb pretty much everything in our house, nothing does stand in his way. Yesterday, I turned around to find him climbing onto the kitchen table. Yikes, no more turning my back on this crazy climber!
As of late, I have been referring to Aiden as my little monkey. Sometimes I combine it with munchkin and call him "monkin." I think it is cute, and boy does it fit. This kid is a crazy climber. All of a sudden, he has to climb up and onto EVERYTHING! He can climb onto all the couches, chairs, beds, pretty much anything that he can get his leg above. He even managed to climb up the rocking chair, and halfway up his dresser. I didn't really realize this was a really big issue until I put him in his crib yesterday and he threw his little leg over the bar. I almost died of a heart attack. I had a thousand horror scenarios flash through my mind in an instant, and when I snapped back into reality, I pulled him out of his crib. I am so thankful that I saw it happen instead of discovering him after his escape was complete. So, yesterday I moved Aiden's crib down to lowest setting, which seems like a real sign that his "baby" days are over. I hope his next milestone is easier on my nerves! Have a great week!
He is thinking about climbing onto the bed, which he can now do!
He loves his Grandma and his bunnies
Aiden has added a couple words to his repertoire, one of which is "Night night." With the learning of this word he has started to become a better sleeper and napper. The number of instances is rapidly growing where I can lay him in his crib (while he is still awake) and he will just lay there and go to sleep without crying. I cannot begin to tell you what a relief that is, sometimes it seemed like this day would never come. Granted, he still goes to bed later than any baby I know, but it is a start. It also is okay that he stays up late, because I am a born and bred night owl. He also gives hugs now when I ask, and 75% of the time he will give kisses. The other 25% he makes me work for it, or just laughs because it is a little game to him. He loves videos with music, especially things that combine Sesame Street characters and real people. His laugh is infectious, he is incredibly ticklish, which combined makes me always want to tickle him. We are enjoying being at home for the month of April, all those trips to California are fun but extremely exhausting. It is nice to just live everyday life in our comfortable home, and I know that Aiden enjoys all the freedom that being at home gives him. Just as a last little funny, David always points to himself and says Da-Da, well in a funny turn of events Aiden is mimicking him. He is pointing to himself and saying Da-Da, it cracks me up every time. Hope you all have a good week, I will write again soon.
Due to how busy my life has gotten lately with work and my ever growing little boy, I have decided that I will no longer be providing weekly updates. Thank you for following my blog and watching my little boy grow, it had been a pleasure sharing the experience with you, but I have to make sure my priorities are in order and the blog just does not fit into them anymore. I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter, I'll leave you with a few photos of Aiden to end this series on a good note.