Well it is our second week of games and so far, our record is 2-1. We played pretty well, and I am confident that we will beat to the team that we lost to when we meet them again later in the season. Dave's first game was pretty insane, they lost their best player to a broken leg! Aiden has become the "sports" orphan around here, he gets passed around between practices and players while Dave and I try to coach and run things. He loves the attention but has started teething pretty bad, which makes him want to be in Mommy's arms most of the time. This makes running practice problematic but we are making it work. Aiden is pushing through five teeth right now, including two molars; my poor little munchkin. We have been having a lot of fun with our new friends, as seen by the pictures below of them in a box that they kept just for when Aiden comes over. They all love him, and have a blast playing with him.
Aiden and I had a blast taking these pictures, this is just four out of about
fifty we took! I think that he thinks a camera is called "cheese" because
every times I pick up the camera he says "Cheese!" Silly kid!
Aiden has not liked popsicles but he loves these homemade ones! We tried
otter pops, but he turned up his nose; apparently he only like the ones made
with 100% juice.
Aiden and I were watching the rain fall outside when we
noticed that birds were eating all the apples on our tree. Like two superheroes, we
bounded out into the rain, picked as many apples as we could hold and flew back into
the house. In the picture above you can see that he is eating one of those apples, and his shirt is wet from the rain. :) Maybe not a mother-of-the-year move, but we had a lot of fun!