Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Helping Mommy With Work!
Christmas Tree Shopping
What a fun date and it is the last one I will see in my lifetime! I am so happy that it happened on a Wednesday, so I get to blog on it! As I predicted last week, Aiden has all four front teeth poking through his little gums. It has been a very trying week with many sleepless nights. I know that these moments are fleeting, so I try to enjoy all of them even when running on zero sleep. We tried to get a Christmas tree this past weekend, it was comical to say the least. We had an 8-foot tree strapped to the top of our Toyota Corolla, which ended up not fitting into our house. It was like we just stepped out of a National Lampoon movie. Our Christmas tree will just have to wait till the weekend to brighten up our home. Aiden has started to jump in his crib, reminding me of his Uncle Matthew. I hope that he has the same hops and athleticism. Speaking of Uncle Matthew, one week from today Aiden will get to meet him for the first time and I will get to see my brother for the first time  in almost a year.  I cannot begin to explain how excited I am for that. So, don't be surprised if you don't get an update next week. Aiden and I will be in Vegas welcoming Uncle Matthew home!

Date: December 12, 2012
Weight: 22.5 pounds
Height: 33 inches

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Love December

Date: December 6, 2012
Weight: 22.3 pounds
Height: 33 inches
Morning Cuddle
Last Day of One Tooth Wonder
It's the most wonderful time of the year! December means that I can finally start listening to Christmas music, decorate the house and enjoy the lights of the neighborhood. I have always found December to be a magical month, and I finally have a house of my own to express the holidays with my own style. It will take a few years to bulk up my decorations, but I look forward to transforming the house into a winter wonderland that will serve as wonderful memories for my darling son. Every day that kid becomes more and more of a character, and he cracks me up on an (minimum) hourly basis. Not only is his little personality developing, but also his sense of adventure; which unfortunately leads to bumps and bruises.  He got his first little bruise on his chin, and I am not even sure how it got there. It is just a tiny little spot, but it makes me really aware of the fact that I will never be able to protect this little one completely.  It is a fine line between protecting Aiden and letting him learn to stand (literally) on his own two feet. I know that life is full of bumps and bruises, it is just hard to watch your child go through any kind of pain. Speaking of pain, Aiden is cutting three teeth at once. By next week I am confident that he will be the proud owner of his four front teeth! I can't help but constantly take the opportunity to sing "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" to him! A few other new things with him this week include: holding a cup with straw and drinking it on his own, feeding himself with a spoon and completely getting the hang of picking up his food and eating it! There has been a lot more activity in our house, but I like to keep these posts short and sweet. Check in next week for more adorable Aiden updates!

  Scrunch and Sniff-My New Favorite Face

The Gate He Broke Out Of!